Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Programmer - PT Pangeran Paragon (Bauma) - Jakarta Raya

Advertised:31-01-13 | Closing Date:02-03-13header

In 1980, PT BAUMA PRATAMA INDONESIA (current name “PT BAUMA”) started its business as a general supplier to the hotel industry. By the early 1990s, it has branched off its operations into several BAUMA Companies moving within the mechanical, electrical, and electronics industries. By the year 2010, on the 30th Anniversary of BAUMA GROUP, we have established the vision for the next 30 years to ride the growth momentum into the future.

Today, BAUMA GROUP is actively searching for qualified individuals that are possess high level of character and moral standard, competent, resourceful, committed and self-motivated to join BAUMA team. Join a company with a SPLICED spirit (Stewardship, Partnership, Loyalty & Respect, Innovation, Customer Focused, Excellence, and Dedication) to fill the position below:

Jakarta Raya


Pria/WanitaUsia maksimal 30 tahunPendidikan min D3 Teknik Informatika / Teknik komputer / Sistem InformasiUsia maksimal 30 tahunDisiplin, motivasi tinggi, menyukai tantangan, kreatifPlease send your application enclosed with curriculum vitae & recent photograph to If you are JobStreet Member, "click Apply" button below" Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview "footer

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1 comment:

  1. Dear : Custumer Import & Domestics
    Kami dari TWIN Logistics mengajukan penawaran kerjasama dalam bidang pengurusan barang Import RESMI & BORONGAN.

    Services Kami,
    Customs Clearance Import sistem Resmi maupun Borongan
    Penanganan secara Door to Door ASIA & EROPA Sea & Air Service
    Penyediaan Legalitas Under-Name (Penyewaan Bendera Perusahaan)
    Pengiriman Domestik antar pulau seluruh Indonesia laut dan Udara atau Darat.

    Berikut Attecment terlampir.

    Terima kasih atas kepercayaan kepada kami, semoga kerjasamanya berjalan dengan lancar.
    Jika ada yang ingin dipertanyakan, silahkan hubungi kami di Nomor Phone : +62 21 8498-6182, 8591-7811 Whatssapp : 0819-0806-0678 E-Mail : andijm.logistics@gmail.com

    Best Regards,

    Mr. Andi JM
    Hp Whatssapp : 0819-0806-0678 / 0813-8186-4189
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = =
    Jl. Raya Utan Kayu No.105 B Jakarta Timur 13120 Indonesia
    Phone : +62 21 8498-6182, 8591-7811 Fax : +62 21 8591-7812
    Email : andijm.logistics@gmail.com, cs@twinlogistics.co.id
    Web : www.twinlogistics.co.id
