Thursday, August 30, 2012

Product Marketing Executive - Company Confidential - Jakarta Pusat (Jakarta Raya) - Dusit Mangga Dua

Product Marketing Executive
Jakarta Pusat (Jakarta Raya) - Dusit Mangga Dua


Male/FemaleMaximum age 27 years oldMinimum Bachelor (S1) degree in Electronics Engineering Fresh Graduates are welcome to applyGood command of english both written & spokenAble communicate in chineseFluency in computer literacy

Kesempatan Kerja lainnya

Fashion Marketing Lecturer (Full-Time / Part-Time) - SURABAYA - Surabaya (Jawa Timur) - Surabaya

Advertised:13-8-12 | Closing Date:12-9-12Top Header

banner..... URGENTLY REQUIRED ..... Raffles Education Corporation Ltd is one of the leading creative design and management education groups in the Asia Pacific region and is publicly listed (RLSE) at the Singapore Exchange. Raffles Design Institute and group have 39 campuses in 15 countries with a current enrolment of 33,000 students worldwide.

We continue to expand and we are seeking team players with the passion and drive to be a part of this exciting organization. We invite you to join a newly set up Raffles Design Institute Surabaya for a challenging career plus opportunities for personal development for the following position :

Fashion Marketing Lecturer (Full-Time / Part-Time)
Surabaya (Jawa Timur) - Surabaya

Be responsible for the design, delivery and ongoing evaluation of relevant modules, ensuring that departmental objectives and learning outcomes are met, and content is relevant and reflects current practice.Develop appropriate assessments which measure student performance and understanding, and ensure that learning outcomes have been met.Challenge ideas, foster debate and encourage students to develop skills in critical discourse and rational thinking.Use a variety of learning and teaching methods/materials (e.g. web-based and blended learning) in order to enhance the student experience.Assess and make sound judgments about student progress and feed back this information in a constructive, sensitive and honest way.        Requirements:

Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree,in Fashion Marketing or equivalent.Required language(s): EnglishPreferably 2 years appropriate lecturing experience Dynamic and enthusiastic, with an desire to nurture students and to help them achieve their potentialCreative with an ability to adapt to a multi-cultural setting and to handle students of different nationalities For the above position, please email a comprehensive resume stating contact details, current and expected salary, portfolio (or links to your work) as well as a recent photograph to:For registered users, to apply online or via sms
Send to 9333

If you are JobStreet Member, "click here to Apply" button below" Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview "footer

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Marketing – Jakarta - PT Hao Sheng Trading - Jakarta Raya

If you are JobStreet Member, "click here to Apply" button below

" Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview "

Kesempatan Kerja lainnya

Product Marketing Distribution (PM) - CV Bumi Rejeki Sentosa (Hitech Computer) - Semarang (Jawa Tengah)

Advertised:9-7-12 | Closing Date:28-9-12headerbannerCV Bumi Rejeki Sentosa (Hitech Computer)

Perusahaan Distribusi di Semarang, yang memasarkan produk-produk IT terkenal,Product Marketing Distribution (PM)
IDR 1000000 - 1300000 + Komisi
Semarang (Jawa Tengah)


Pria / Wanita, max. 30 th.Pendidikan Akademis min.D3 / berpengalaman dalam bidang penjualanMemiliki semangat mengembangkan bisnis produk terkaitMengikuti trend teknologi Komputer / Elektronika secara umumKomunikatif, memiliki Inisiatif serta mampu memberikan PresentasiMampu bekerja mandiri maupun dalam teamSehat Jasmani Rohani, tidak memiliki riwayat Sakit berat,Lebih disukai memiliki pengalaman bekerja di bisnis IT/Komputer, min. 1 tahunMemiliki SIM CMampu bekerja di bawah tekananBagi yang memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, silahkan :For registered users, to apply online or via sms If you are JobStreet Member, "click here to Apply" button below" Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview "footer

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Staff Kepengurusan SIPAK (Surat Izin Penyalur Alat Kesehatan) - PT Lingga Jati Al Mushowa - Jawa Tengah

PT Lingga Jati Al Mushowa Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Merchandising LPG saai ini sedang membutuhkan beberapa tenaga kerja professional untuk menempati posisi sebagai berikut : Staff Kepengurusan SIPAK (Surat Izin Penyalur Alat Kesehatan)
Jawa Tengah

Requirements: PriaUmur maksimal 30 tahunPendidikan min D3Pengalaman di bidang tower / BTS (Best Station)Pengalaman maksimal 3 tahunJika Anda memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap dengan CV terbaru Anda ke Alamat :
PT. Lingga Jati Al Mushowa
Jl. Raya Walisongo KM 9 Tugu, SemarangIf you are JobStreet Member, "click here to Apply" button below" Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview "

Kesempatan Kerja lainnya

Account Supervisor for Retail - Company Confidential - Jawa Tengah - Semarang

CV Bumi Rejeki Sentosa (Hitech Computer)

Perusahaan Distribusi di Smg, yang memasarkan produk-produk IT terkenal,Account Supervisor for Retail
Jawa Tengah - Semarang


Requirements: Male / Female max 30 years oldCandidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position (IT)Applicants must be willing to work in Semarang.Willing to work underpressurePreferably Supervisor / Coordinators specializing in IT/Computer - Hardware or equivalent.Full-Time position(s) available.Have a motorcycleBagi yang memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, silahkan :

Kesempatan Kerja lainnya

Senior Research & Development (Code : R & D) - PT Heaven Chemical Indonesia - Jawa Timur


PT Heaven Chemical Indonesia Perusahaan Sabun/ Detergent (Personal Care & Household) Ternama di Surabaya membutuhkan banyak tenaga muda untuk berbagai posisi sebagai berikut :Senior Research & Development (Code : R & D)
Jawa Timur

Requirements: Pria/WanitaDi tempatkan di SurabayaPendidikan S1 Teknik Kimia/ Farmasi, Pengalaman di bidang Personal Care, Household, Kosmetik dan Alat PKRT min. 3thnPO BOX Surabaya : 1565 SB 60015PO BOX Jakarta    : 8507 Jat PI 13460BSertakan Kode di amplop pojok kiri atas.If you are JobStreet Member, "click here to Apply" button below" Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview "footerfooterfooter

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Fitness Manager - Company Confidential - Jawa Tengah - Semarang

Advertised:24-7-12 | Closing Date:28-9-12headerSebuah Perusahaan yaqng bergerak di bidang Fitness Center saat ini sedang membutuhkan banyak tenaga profesional dan berkompeten di bidangnya, dan secara khusus, Perusahaan sedang mencari karyawan baru yang profesional dan berkompeten untuk mengisi posisi sebagai :Fitness Manager
Jawa Tengah - Semarang


Good LookingMemiliki kemampuan dalam hal good communications, customer oriented, capable to leading teams.Pekerja keras, mampu bekerja sam dengan tim, jujur, disiplin dan memiliki tanggungjawab sebagai pemimpin.Penempatan di Semarang.Berdomisili di wilayah Jateng & DIY (Khususnya Semarang).Requirements: Laki-laki / Perempuan.Pendidikan minimal D3 Perhotelan / Kesehatan / Olahraga.Memiliki pengalaman minimal 3 tahun di bidang terkait (Diutamakan di bisnis Fitness Center).Mampu mengoperasikan komputer min MS Office (Word, power point, Excel).Bagi yang berminat, harap mengirimkan Surat Lamaran ( dalam bentuk MS Word atau PDF ), CV, transkip nilai, Ijazah terakhir, pas foto terbaru dan surat-surat lainnya (sertifikat pelatihan/seminar, surat pengalaman kerja sebelumnya, dll), paling lambat 2 (dua) minggu setelah tanggal 29 Agustus 2012, dan dikirim ke alamat :footer

Kesempatan Kerja lainnya

Teknik Sipil - PT Lingga Jati Al Mushowa - Jawa Tengah

PT Lingga Jati Al Mushowa Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Merchandising LPG saai ini sedang membutuhkan beberapa tenaga kerja professional untuk menempati posisi sebagai berikut : Teknik Sipil
Jawa Tengah

Requirements: PriaPendidikan minimal D3 Teknik SipilUsia maksimal 35tahunDomisili SemarangJika Anda memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap dengan CV terbaru Anda ke Alamat :
PT. Lingga Jati Al Mushowa
Jl. Raya Walisongo KM 9 Tugu, SemarangIf you are JobStreet Member, "click here to Apply" button below" Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview "

Kesempatan Kerja lainnya

Sales Marketing - PT Decoline Indonesia - Jawa Timur - Surabaya

Advertised:13-8-12 | Closing Date:12-9-12headerbannerDecolinewood merupakan general contractor yang mengkhususkan diri dalam pengerjaan pemasangan laminate flooring untuk lantai ruangan, dinding maupun tangga.Sangat cocok digunakan untuk kamar tidur, kamar bayi, ruang hometheatre, ruang kerja, dan lantai dansa, selain itu juga cocok untuk hotel, villa, cafe, gym, dan lapangan olah raga. Decolinewood menyediakan produk untuk Lantai Kayu dan Decking(wood flooring) yg berkualitas eksport & bergaransi dan berbagai jenis. Kami juga menyediakan instalansinya.Untuk mengetahui mengenai Decolinewood , kunjungi website kami :Sales Marketing
Jawa Timur - Surabaya

Kami mencari expert dalam membuka pasar , membidik target , dan membina relationship dengan customerRequirements:

Pria / Wanita berpenampilan menarik, maks 35 thnPengalaman minimum 1 tahun di bidang yang samaMemiliki kendaraan pribadi (motor/mobil)Pendidikan minimal SMATarget area wilayah Surabaya dan sekitarnyaMenguasai jaringan pemasaran, relasi luas, mampu membangun serta memelihara hubungan dengan baik, dan berorientasi pada targetMemiliki kemampuan menjual, komunikasi, persuasi maupun negosiasi Memiliki kendaraan pribadi (motor/Mobil)Berpengalaman di bidangnya akan menjadi nilai tambahCantumkan dengan lengkap semua data yang mendukung, termasuk pas foto pelamar. embuka pasar , membidik target , dan membina relationship dengan customerKandidat yang ideal adalah yang energetic, kreatif, antusias, inteligen, mau untuk bertanggung jawab dan belajar skill baru. Kami mencari individu yang mau berkembang bersama dengan perusahaan untuk jangka waktu yang panjang.If you are JobStreet Member, "click here to Apply" button below" Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview "footer

Kesempatan Kerja lainnya

Marketing - PT Perkasa Interindo - Jakarta Selatan (Jakarta Raya)


P.T. Perkasa Interindo, is one of the leading trading companies actively providing Industrial Automation, Instrumentation, Controls, Valves and Electrical Components to various companies within Indonesia. Our portfolio of clients includes those from the manufacturing, oil and gas, petrochemical, pulp and paper, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, mining and other heavy industries. We are looking for a hard working professional with the following responsibilities and requirements:

P.T. Perkasa Interindo, adalah salah satu perusahaan perdagangan terkemuka secara aktif memberikan Otomasi Industri, Instrumentasi, Kontrol, Katup dan Komponen Listrik ke berbagai perusahaan di Indonesia. Portofolio klien kami mencakup mereka yang berasal dari makanan, manufaktur, minyak dan gas, petrokimia, pulp dan kertas, makanan dan minuman, farmasi, pertambangan dan industri berat lainnya. Kami mencari seorang professional yang bisa bekerja keras dengan tanggung jawab dan persyaratan seperti berikut

Jakarta Selatan (Jakarta Raya)

Search for new customers and introduce PT Perkasa Interindo and our products / Mencari pelanggan baru dan memperkenalkan PT Perkasa Interindo dan produk kamiMaintain professional relationship with existing customers while always searching for new ones / Memelihara hubungan profesional dengan pelanggan yang ada saat selalu mencari yang baruBasic Sales and Marketing knowledge / Pengetahuan Dasar Penjualan dan PemasaranDaily tasks include market/end user research, follow-up on inquiries, quotations, end user questions, etc  / Tugas harian termasuk untuk pasar / penelitian end user, menindaklanjuti permintaan, quotation, pertanyaan dari end user, dllAbility to work towards common goals in a group sales environment / Kemampuan untuk bekerja menuju tujuan bersama dalam lingkungan kelompok penjualanMaking daily reports and forecast to Directors / Membuat laporan harian kepada DireksiRequirements: Female between 20–30 / Wanita antara 20 - 30 tahunAble to speak English a plus / Bila bisa berbahasa inggris lebih bagusPositive attitude, able to work effectively under pressure and use initiative to resolve issues / Sikap positif , mampu bekerja secara efektif di bawah tekanan dan menggunakan inisiatif untuk menyelesaikan masalahHard working and takes initiative / Bekerja keras dan mengambil inisiatifAble to be aggressive over the phone to close sales / Mampu menjadi agresif melalui telepon untuk menutup penjualanCandidate must possess at least a SMA degree / Kandidat harus memiliki setidaknya gelar SMABe able to use a computer with extensive knowledge in MS Words, Excel, PowerPoint, etc / Mampu menggunakan komputer dengan pengetahuan yang luas dalam MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, dllFull-Time positions availableJl. Kuningan Barat No. 26, TIFA Building Lantai:5If you are JobStreet Member, "click Apply" button below" Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview "footerfooterfooter

Kesempatan Kerja lainnya

Merchandiser (Jakarta) - PT Bali Hai Brewery Indonesia - Jakarta Utara (Jakarta Raya)

Merchandiser (Jakarta)
Jakarta Utara (Jakarta Raya)

Requirements: Male, Single, Max 30 years oldMin. Diploma Degree Min 1 year experience in the same field as Merchandiser, Preferably from FMCG Having Knowledge of modern marketHave motorcycle and driving license (SIM C)Willing to work in beer industry Willing to join immediatelyPlease send your CV/Resume to:
HRD Dept - PT Bali Hai Brewery Indonesia
Komp. Permata Ancol Blok F6
JL RE Martadinata Jakarta 14420


Kesempatan Kerja lainnya

Satuan Pengamanan (SATPAM) - PT CERTIS - Jakarta Raya

Advertised:29-8-12 | Closing Date:28-9-12headerA Career With Us

PT Certis adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang penyediaan jasa pengamanan, saat ini kami membutuhkan banyak sumber daya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan :

Satuan Pengamanan (SATPAM)
Jakarta Raya


Requirements: Persyaratan untuk posisi Security adalah :·         Pria TB min 168 cm / Wanita TB 160 cm·         Pendidikan minimal SLTA·         Usia maksimal 30-35 tahun (Anggota)·         Usia maksimal 35 tahun (Chief)·         Tidak bertindik, tidak bertato dan tidak berkacamata·         Membawa surat lamaran dan CV·         Fotokopi dan Asli Ijazah dan Transkrip Nilai·         Foto 4x6 sebanyak 2 lembarIf you think, you’re the best person to fill this position.
Please do not hesitate to drop your update resume / curriculum vitae with photograph to :
Interview langsung, datang ke:                                                                  
Gedung Certis, Jln. Yos Sudarso Kav. 86Sunter - Jakarta 14350, Indonesiafooter

Kesempatan Kerja lainnya

KEPALA TEKNIK TAMBANG (East Kalimantan Based) - PT Pacific Fiber Indonesia - Kalimantan Timur

Advertised:13-8-12 | Closing Date:12-9-12headerbannerPacific Fiber Indonesia is a multinational company with main businesses in Fiber, Wood Chip, CPO Plantation and Mill, Coal Mining & Trading, Construction, Engineering, Shipping, Property, and Air Services.

We are equal opportunity employer that committed to recruit, develop, and retain the best talents. Our people are some of the best in the similar type of business with considerable competencies and extensive experience across all areas of our operations.

One of our business unit open vacant position for :

KEPALA TEKNIK TAMBANG (East Kalimantan Based)
Kalimantan Timur


Bachelor/Master degree in Geologist or related disciplineMinimum 5-7 years related experiencePosses Pengawas Operasional Pertama (POP) or Pengawas Operasional Utama (POM) or Pengawas Operasional Utama (POU) certificateProficient in written & spoken English(Mandarin will be advantage)Proficient in MS Office (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point)Willing to locate at remote area (e.g: Nunukan)for direct applicant, please send your update resume to :

only qualified candidate would be proceeded.


Kesempatan Kerja lainnya

Sales Counter - Customer Service - Digital Printing - Jakarta Raya

Advertised:13-8-12 | Closing Date:12-9-12

bannerJaringan Printing, Photocopy dan Finishing 24 Jam

Kami adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang retail digital printing & copy center yang berkembang pesat dan saat ini berlokasi di Jakarta pusat & Serpong, tangerang

Dalam misi mengedepankan kepuasan customer yang didukung dengan peralatan canggih dan tenaga terampil di bidangnya, dengan ini membuka kesempatan bagi anda untuk bergabung dalam tim kami, dalam posisi sebagai:Sales Counter - Customer Service
Jakarta Raya

Requirements: Wanita, Max. 30thMin. SMA/SMK/SederajatMenyenangi tantangan, loyal, pekerja keras & UletKemampuan interpersonal yang baik (dengan customer maupun internal perusahaan)Pengalaman /Non. PengalamanBersedia bekerja shift (We’re Open 24hours)Bersedia ditempatkan di Serpong/TangerangGaji MenarikMemahami & menguasai proses persiapan cetak (merupakan nilai plus)Mampu berbahasa Inggris (merupakan nilai plus)If you are JobStreet Member, "click Apply" button below" Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview "

Kesempatan Kerja lainnya

Mine Engineer - PT Asmin Bara Bronang - Kalimantan Tengah

Advertised:13-8-12 | Closing Date:12-9-12headerPT ASMIN BARA BRONANG, An extensively growing National Mining Company (PKP2B, 3rd Generation) is currently offering a challenging career opportunity for Mine Engineer as follow:Mine Engineer
Kalimantan Tengah

Conduct mine planning, project planning, as well as mining operation scheduling and controlling and dealing with contractorsDevelop short, mid and long term mine plans for the budgeting processEstimate fleet requirementsPlan mining operations and design open pit and surface mines.Design mining equipment and supervise the open pit operations, and devising methods for transporting minerals to processing plants.Find, extract, and prepare coal, metals, and minerals.Responsible for the safe, economical, and environmentally sound operation of mines.Requirements: Bachelor degree in Mining Engineer from a reputable UniversityMinimum 5 years of experience in coal mining operationKnowledgeable in operating mining programs software, such as : Minescape, Surpac, etcProficient in survey instruments, etcComputer literateGood team-working skillsGood command in English both oral and writtenWilling to be placed in site (Central Kalimantan)Hold a POP (Pengawas Operasional Pertama) Mining Indonesia competency certificate is an advantage.Successful candidates will be offered an attractive remuneration package based on their experiences, while interesting rewards are promised as an exchange to their contribution to the company.Please send your cover letter and resume to:Only shortlisted candidates will be notifiedIf you are JobStreet Member, "click here to Apply" button below" Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview "footer

Kesempatan Kerja lainnya

Teknisi Plastic Injection – Cikarang - PT Herman Industries - Jakarta Raya

We are a very fast-growing company with a wide range of industrial and mining, oil/gas portfolio are now looking for highly energertic/passionate teams for market expansion/growth throughout Indonesia.

With a vast background from manufacturing, distribution and service team, we have our competitive edge in becoming market leader in our own rights.

We inspire progress through unleashing the potential in people and technologies to advance the quality of life.

With our focus on a progressive, diverse and inclusive culture, growth through innovation in emerging markets and services and operational excellence , we are a company that achieves real progress for our customers around the world.

Our workplace emphasizes the values of Integrity, Respect, Teamwork, Innovation and Courage. To help our employees grow, we believe it's vital to strengthen their engagement and develop their skills and leadership capabilities. Our Brand Promise, Vision and Values is the language that unifies us as an organization and creates a common purpose: advancing the quality of life by creating and sustaining safe, comfortable and efficient environments

We believe that in order to have a progressive and innovative organization we must have in place a diverse and inclusive work environment. It is not enough in this day and age to say that our “people are an important asset” rather, we know actions speak louder than words. It is through our behaviors and day-to-day actions that we strive to create a respectful, inclusive and open culture around the world that our colleagues, customers and suppliers want to be affiliated with. 

Teknisi Plastic Injection – Cikarang
Jakarta Raya


Provide injection moulding expertise, solutions and support to manufacturing operations to achieve company’s goals and meet customers’ expectation.Establish optimum moulding process parameters to meet specific cycle time, yield and efficiency targets for process, manpower and material.Provide advice and technical support for RFQ enquiries and feasibility for moulding productionProvide proactive approach to initiate improvement plans and actions to enhance moulding results and reduce wastageEnsure molds are well maintained, serviced and in good operational condition.Work in collaboration with sales, design and development, tooling qualification and production, to provide engineering support.Communicate effectively at all levels to feedback results, issues and to resolve problems.Provide professional, high quality services at all times ensuring excellent support is given with regard to customers’ projects. It is important that technical issues are resolved quickly and that customer queries are responded to in a timely fashion. Requirements: Degree / Diploma in Mechanical Engineering or equivalentAt least 5 years’ experience preferably in the plastic injection molding and assembly industry.Conversant with injection mold tooling concepts, concept design, tool trials, NPI, FMEA, DOE and a good understanding of injection molding production processes.Familiar with molding machine and process, and has the skill and ability to set and establish molding parametersAble to communicate in English, Indonesian and Chinese (Mandarin)Lamaran dan CV lengkap dikirim ke:


Jl. KH. Zainul Arifin No. 3B, Jakarta Pusat For registered users, to apply online or via sms
Send to 9333

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" Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview "

Kesempatan Kerja lainnya

Sales Engineer - PT Drive Automation Center - Jakarta Raya


Drive Automation Center draws its core strength to provide engineering designs and consultancy as well as trading related to engineering accessories and equipments. We are currently seeking talented professional to fill in the position of:

Kesempatan Kerja lainnya

Product Designer - PT Kusuma Megahperdana - Jakarta Raya


We are the biggest and innovative promotional company in Indonesia and handling International and local companies to meet their promotional activities, looking for young and smart professionals for below position:Product Designer
Jakarta Raya

Requirements: Energetic young Male or Female, maximum of 28 years oldAssociates or Bachelor Degree majoring in Product Design from reputable academy or universityRemarkable portfolioExperience in corporate branding, layout, and product developmentAttention to details, creative and artisticDeep knowledge in Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, and other graphic toolsFresh Graduate who has very comprehensive portfolio and creative ideas will also be consideredPlease send your comprehensive resume & portfolio, with a scanned formal photo on the top right of the resume to:If you are JobStreet Member, "click Apply" button belowfooterfooterfooter

Kesempatan Kerja lainnya

Spa Therapist - Company Confidential - Jakarta Raya

Spa Therapist
Jakarta Raya

Requirements: Wanita, usia maks. 27 tahunPendidikan min. SMU semua jurusanBerpenampilan menarikRamah, jujur dan memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik

Kesempatan Kerja lainnya

Poultry Technical Support - PT Cargill Indonesia - Bogor (Jawa Barat)

PT Cargill Indonesia

Cargill is a multinational US based company, an international marketer, processor and distributor of agricultural, food, financial and industrial products and services with more than 158,000 employees in over 66 countries. The company provides distinctive customer solutions in supply chain management, food applications and health and nutrition.

If you want to fulfill your potential and are looking for a company that thrives on innovation, values diversity and rewards performance, consider a career with Cargill. With annual sales of approximately $88.3 billion and growing, we’re among the world’s largest companies. We sell thousands of products; operate hundreds of businesses and partner with dozens of other companies, many of who are leaders in their industries.

In line with our continued growth and expansion, one of our Business Unit that have Copra Crushing Plant Facility, invites suitably qualified candidates to fill the following positions:

Poultry Technical Support
Bogor (Jawa Barat)


Responsible to support Strategic Marketing and Innovation department, especially in any product development and innovation for poultry research. Work with Technology Application Manager and Technical Manager to analyze data from any poultry research. Record and interpret experimental data in field experiments. Carry out research and provide advice on various technical issues.Requirements: Min. Diploma / Bachelor Degree in majoring Animal Husbandry, Veterinary, Marketing, or its equivalent with experience in trial farm or conduct research.Having min. 2 years experience in above related fields.Candidate should have high technical skill and deep experience in poultry management, ability to collect data and represent in a good presentation, ready to stay at trial farm location when the project needed, conscientious, diligent and workmanlike.Computer literate, especially Ms. Office.Available to be placed in any project area will be heldWe offer an attractive remuneration package to the right candidate.

Candidates are invited to send their application with a comprehensive resume, photocopies of certificates, details of present and expected salary, contact telephone number together with a passport sized photograph to the following address:

PO.BOX 4345 JAKARTA 10001



Only shortlisted candidates will be called for further interview.
Visit our website at or

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Send to 9333

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Kesempatan Kerja lainnya

Net Programmer - Inovasi Network - Jakarta Raya

Advertised:13-8-12 | Closing Date:12-9-12Top Header

Since 2003, we have been a software development company providing full-cycle high quality services to our customers.

We are expert in development, customization and integration of complex enterprise-level solutions offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for IT.

To support our growing business we are seeking talented and motivated people to be part of our team.

Net Programmer
Jakarta Raya


As a .Net Programmer You will be part of the .Net development team involved in research and develop software products and solutions for our customer. This post is responsible for software architecture design, code implementation, managing software resources using .net techologies.

Requirements: Degree in IT, Computer Science or equivalentAt least 2 years of experience in programming positionFresh graduates with excellent knowledge/skills in programming are encouraged to applyStrong communication skills and attention to detailsAbility to work independentlyIn depth technical knowledge of C#, .NET 3.5 and MSSQL 2005/2008 is a mustPast experience in building web-based systemsKnowledge of web technologies like Ajax, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML etcCandidates with more than 5 years of relevant experiences and working as development lead will be considered for senior position
Submit a detailed resume in MS Word Format, including details of work experience, qualifications and a recent photograph and contact telephone numbers to For registered users, to apply online or via sms If you are JobStreet Member, "click here to Apply" button below" Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview "Bottom Footer

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